Friday, August 15, 2014

What are Your Thoughts?

Rhoda’s family’s computer has had some problems, so she asked me to post this for her today. The following came from her blog, and you can read the original post here. I pray you will be encouraged just as I am!

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     This brief blog post is related to last week’s. I hope and pray that you have taken up my last challenge. Be warned: this one is even harder!

     Imagine that temple or building again.
     What if all your thoughts, were up there, every one of them written on your walls?
     I don’t mean those sneaky ones that flash through and you swiftly squash. Let me rephrase this a little. What do you mostly think about?
     When this challenge was given me, I realised, to my shame, that my thoughts were primarily things like what how wedding dress would look, or exactly how my latest house design would go. This really hurt me, and almost instantly I began to spend my thoughts on the Lord.

     For me, I didn’t have to consciously try to turn my thought around. Once I had been shown my error, God was swift in changing me. Now I strive to keep my mind pure.
     Perhaps this, for you, will require more effort in the beginning, but persevere in serving God with your thoughts! The Lord is our dwelling-place, and we can rest in His mercies. Psalm 18, verses 30-31:
     “As for God, His way is perfect;
     The word of the Lord is proven;
     He is a shield to all who trust in Him.
     For who is God, except the Lord?
     And who is a rock, except our God?”


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And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”Colossians 3:17 (NIV)